DEORA - The suryavanshi Rajputs 

To understand the history of Deora rajputs first you need to know about suryavanshi's

Suryavanshi or Raghuvanshies are the clans of the Solar dynasty, descended through Manu, Ikshvaku, Harischandra, Raghu, Dasaratha and Rama.

 There are several major subdivisions of Rajputs, known as vansh or vamsha, the step below the super-division jati. These vansh delineate claimed descent from various sources, and the Rajput are generally considered to be divided into three primary vansh: Suryavanshi denotes descent from the solar deity Surya, 

The 36 Royal Races (in no particular order):

  • Surya or Solar race
  • Sóm or Lunar race
  • Gáhlot or Grahilot
  • Yádu, Jádu or Jadon
  • Tuár or Tanwar
  • Rathore
  • Kachwaha
  • Parmara or Ponwar
  • Chauhan
  • Chaluk or Solanki
  • Parihara
  • Chawura
  • Tak or Takshak
  • Jit, Gét, or Jat
  • Hán or Hún *
  • Katti
  • Balla
  • Jhala
  • Gohil
  • Jaitwar or Kamari
  • Silar
  • Sarwaiya *
  • Dabi *
  • Gaur
  • Dor or Doda
  • Gaharwal
  • Bargujar
  • Sengar
  • Sikarwar
  • Bais
  • Dahia *
  • Johya
  • Mohil
  • Nikumpa
  • Rajpali *
  • Dahima

Beneath the vansh division are smaller and smaller subdivisions: kulshakh (“branch”), khamp or khanp (“twig”), and nak (“twig tip”). Marriages within a kul are generally disallowed (with some flexibility for kul-mates of different gotra lineages). The kul serves as primary identity for many of the Rajput clans, and each kul is protected by a family goddess, the kuldevi.


Deora (occasionally Devda, Devra, Devre) is the name of a branch of the Songara Chauhan clan of rajputs in India. Sonegara Chauhans ruled Jalore (the mountain on which the fort is located is called as Swarngiri-the mountain of gold and hence the Chauhans took the name Sonegara) and surrounding areas. Sonegara Chauhans are known for their valour against the ferocious sultan of Delhi Allauddin Khilji. Rao Deoraj was the progenitor of the Devra clan. In ages past, the rulers of Chandravati, Sirohi belonged to the Deora clan.


The Deora or Devda, according to their ancestral texts, are descendants of Rao Lakhan of Nadol in the Marwar area of Rajasthan. It is written in the texts that the queen of Rao Lakhan was beautiful, kind and generous like a Devi, or goddess, so her sons were called Devi-ra, meaning goddesses or Devi's sons. This Devi-ra later became Deora, Devra and Devda. So Devda's Kuldevi is Ashapuri Maa in Nadol. The Devdas of Sirohi have a glorious past and have a respected place in the 36 Rajput clans.

The Chauhans ruled Delhi, Ajmer and surrounding areas during the era of Prithviraj Chauhan. Due to persecution at the hands of Muslim invaders, they later dispersed to many places across northern India. One group of Chauhans moved southwards to the area around the border, in the present-day Indian state of Rajasthan. The towns of Jalore and Chandravati (the latter situated on the Banas River) became centers of the Sonegara Chauhan clan at an early date. A semi-legendary figure named Rao Deoraj, about whom little is known, was born into a Chauhan family of this region. All members of the Deora clan claim patrilineage with him.

Rao Lumba, grandson of Rao Deoraj and a scion of the younger branch of the Chauhan rulers of Jalore, seized the town of Abu in 1311 AD. He thus founded a dynasty that was to rule the surrounding area until India gained its independence in 1947. Rao Rarmal, a descendant of Rao Deoraj, founded the settlement of old Sirohi c.1347 AD. He was the progenitor of the Lakhawat, Dungrawat, Tejawat and Bajawat branches of the Deora clan. Members of this caste are well known for their unflinching readiness for martyrdom and bravery in war. In 1405 AD, Rarmal's son Rao Sobhaji founded a town, Shivpuri, on the eastern slope of the Siranwa hills in the area known as Khuba. Sobhaji's son Rao Sahasmal abandoned this settlement, which now lies in ruins. He built the fort of Sirohi on the Western slope of the same hills and made that his capital. Later, the area under the rule of the Deora clan came to form the state of Sirohi.

In Hindi to understand more clearly

देवड़ा, चौहान राजवंश की एक प्रसिद्ध खांप है | राजतरंगिणी (1205 वि.) ज्ञात होता है कि 1205 वि. से पूर्व ही 36 राजपूत राजवंश बन चुके थे | उस समय देवड़ा चौहानों की उत्पत्ति हो चुकी थी और भीनमाल पर उनका स्वतंत्र राज्य हो चुका था | चौहानों की खांप होने के बावजूद भी देवड़ा अलग राजवंश क्यों गिना गया ? कारण का पता नहीं लगता | अतः चौहानों की इस खांप को ही 36 राजपूत राजवंशों में एक वंश मानकर वर्णन किया जा रहा है |

उत्पत्ति :-

देवड़ा चौहानों की खांप है | मुहणोत नैणसी के अनुसार चौहान लाखण के वंशज आसराव की पत्नी देवी स्वरूपा थी | अतः उसके वंशज ”देवी रा” और फिर देवड़ा कहलाये | जिस समय वाचाछड़लदेवी उनकी पत्नी बनी तब आसराव का स्थान नाडौल था और चीबा भी देवड़ों की साख है
। देवड़ों की उत्पत्ति के विषय में एक अन्य मत यह है कि जालौर के शासक भानसिंह अर्थात् भानीजी के एक पुत्र का नाम देवराज था। उसकी संतति वाले देवड़ा कहलाये। इस देवराज के पुत्र विजयराज ने मुसलमानों को पराजित कर मणादर (बड़गांव) पर विजय प्राप्त की।

सिरोही राजवंश 

  1. शिवभाण 1392-1424 ई. 
  2. सहसमल 1424-1451 
  3. लाखा 1451-1483 
  4. जगमाल 1483-1523
  5. अखैराज 1523-1533 
  6. रायसिंह 1533-1543 
  7. दूदा 1543-1553 
  8. उदयसिंह 1553-1562 
  9. मानसिंह 1562-1572 
  10. सुरताण 1572-1610 
  11. रायसिंह | | 1610-1620 
  12. अखैराज | | 1620-1673 
  13. उदयभान 1673-1676 
  14. बैरीशाल 1676———- 
  15. छत्रशाल 1697-1705 
  16. सुरताण 1705 –
  17. मानसिंह 1748 –
  18. पृथ्वीराज 1749-1772 
  19. जगतसिंह 1782-
  20. बैरीशाल | | 1782-1807 
  21. उदयभान | | 1807-1818 
  22. शिवसिंह 1818-1862 
  23. उम्मेदसिंह 1862-1875 
  24. केशरीसिंह 1875-1920 
  25. स्वरूपसिंह 1920-1946 
  26. तेजसिंह 1946-1950 
  27. अभयसिंह 1950 

----Thanks for Reading-----


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